Project Finish & on Going

Hydro Power

“EU Green Energy” team of dedicated specialists is proud on the following Hydro projects proposed and committed

to implement them through a strategic financial partnership.

Completed and in operation Projects


i. Operation Projects

Design and construction of the first phase of the hydro power plant 3.8 MW, Librazhd and the second phase 2.4 MW;


ii. Operation Projects

Projection and implementation of the 520 kW hydro power plant Fushe Arrez, Puke, the first phase of the project of the 9.6 MW Goska hydro power cascade project, Puke consisting of 5 hydro power plants.


iii. Operation Projects

Projection and construction of the 2.4 MW Gjegjan hydro power plant, Puke and 1.5 MW Bisak, Mirdite for the company “A&S Energy” sh.p.k.

In Development Projects


i. On Going

The final phase of the project-design for the 30 MW cascade of the Shkumbin River (medium flow) and the 30 MW cascade in the Gostima River (Shkumbin River branch), complex project: Energy – Irrigation-Drinking water;


ii. On Going

Design of the 7.2 MW hydro power cascade, with 5 hydro power plants, Staravecke – Skrapar, for the concessionaire “KroiMbret” sh.p.k .


iii. On Going

Design of the hydro power cascade in the river Gjader 24 MW, with 6 hydro power plants, for a group of concessionaires;